Clear Pool

How to Keep Your Pool Not Green


There's nothing more frustrating than looking out at your backyard oasis and seeing a green pool. Algae growth can turn your pool water green and make it uninviting. Fortunately, with the right maintenance routine and a few preventative measures, you can keep your pool water crystal clear and free from algae. Here are some essential tips and tricks to help you maintain a pristine pool.

1. Maintain Proper Chlorine Levels

Chlorine is your pool's best defense against algae. Ensure that your pool's chlorine levels are consistently maintained between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (ppm). Regularly test the water and adjust the chlorine levels as needed. Consider using a chlorine stabilizer to protect the chlorine from being broken down by the sun's UV rays.

2. Brush and Vacuum Your Pool Regularly

Algae can cling to the walls and floor of your pool. Brushing the surfaces of your pool at least once a week helps to remove algae spores before they can take hold. Additionally, vacuum your pool regularly to remove any debris and algae that may have settled on the bottom.

3. Keep Your Pool Filter Clean

Your pool filter plays a crucial role in keeping the water clean. Make sure to clean or backwash your filter according to the manufacturer's instructions. A clean filter ensures that your pool's circulation system is working efficiently, helping to prevent algae growth.

4. Shock Your Pool

Shocking your pool involves adding a large dose of chlorine to the water to kill off any algae and bacteria. It's a good idea to shock your pool after heavy use, heavy rain, or if you notice the water starting to turn cloudy. Follow the instructions on the shock treatment product for the correct dosage.

5. Maintain Proper pH Levels

Algae thrive in water with an imbalanced pH. Keep your pool's pH levels between 7.2 and 7.6. Use a pH testing kit to regularly check the levels and adjust them as needed using pH increasers or decreasers.

6. Use Algaecide

Algaecides are chemicals specifically designed to prevent and kill algae. Adding a weekly dose of algaecide to your pool can provide an extra layer of protection against algae growth. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the correct dosage.

7. Ensure Proper Circulation

Good water circulation is essential for preventing algae growth. Run your pool pump for at least 8-12 hours a day to ensure that the water is properly circulated and filtered. Check that all the jets are working correctly and that there are no dead spots where water is not circulating.


By following these tips and maintaining a regular pool care routine, you can keep your pool water clear and free from algae. Remember, consistency is key. Regular maintenance and preventative measures will help you enjoy a beautiful, inviting pool all season long.